Fortran 90 Programming with NR

  1. How to make the size array dependent on a condition to find out grid independent soln (0 replies)
  2. how to run MRQMIN subroutine (0 replies)
  3. error with compilation of nr.f90 (1 replies)
  4. help in fortran 90, reading various variables in a line (0 replies)
  5. how to define function as an array (0 replies)
  6. Lagrange multiplier method (0 replies)
  7. Very unusual error! "malloc(): memory corruption:" (0 replies)
  8. Fortran: Nearest Neighbour Search (2 replies)
  9. Fortran: Search value in array (0 replies)
  10. Fortran Help: Matching Data and writing values (0 replies)
  11. Fortran: read data from two files , calculate and write in specified format (1 replies)
  12. Fortran: read and write data file (2 replies)
  13. can function subprograms have arrays?.spot the error (1 replies)
  14. Fortran 90 / Parameter doubt (2 replies)
  15. character read (1 replies)
  16. format (1 replies)
  17. reading and writing several files in fortran (4 replies)
  18. translation of text in the file (0 replies)
  19. random 2dimensional matrix (1 replies)
  20. File processing in Fortran 90 (1 replies)
  21. Mystified by statement in old FORTRAN code (2 replies)
  22. maths of arrays (1 replies)
  23. Constructing an array (1 replies)
  24. an urgent litle help needed..just a lill change (0 replies)
  25. FORTRAN 90 Program HELP (0 replies)
  26. problem regarding arrays (0 replies)
  27. Fortran 90-95 Assignment (1 replies)
  28. Time evolution of Gaussian 3d-packet (0 replies)
  29. hellpp.. (0 replies)
  30. autocorrelation program (2 replies)
  31. basic problem (2 replies)
  32. largest no. (4 replies)
  33. autocorrelation program (2 replies)
  34. construction of array (2 replies)
  35. Fortran 90 help (5 replies)
  36. parallelizing in g95 (gfortran) windows versions (1 replies)
  37. navigating directories (0 replies)
  38. small numbers.. (1 replies)
  39. Possibly a very silly question involving subroutines (3 replies)
  40. A general fortran question involving large integers (2 replies)
  41. How to delete or remove duplicate lines in a file (0 replies)
  42. How to replace real value to character (0 replies)
  43. Possible bug in the F90 amebsa subroutine (0 replies)
  44. line continuation character (14 replies)
  45. How to read data from file (0 replies)
  46. Pass character in a subroutine (1 replies)
  47. Coupled Differential Equations (1 replies)
  48. Header files (0 replies)
  49. binary i/o files (1 replies)
  50. Building static library of recipe routines (5 replies)
  51. dynamic allocation pointers (2 replies)
  52. Reading specific lines with fortran (1 replies)
  53. Runqq or other equivalent instruction (0 replies)
  54. is type array continurously stored? or by a dynamical link? (7 replies)
  55. Converting f77 makefile to pgf90 ????? (0 replies)
  56. Need help pls. (5 replies)
  57. FORTRAN syntax: HELP ME PLEASE (1 replies)
  58. functions in fortran 90 (0 replies)
  59. getarg (3 replies)
  60. a complex function (1 replies)
  61. dynamic array (4 replies)
  62. FFTW libraries (1 replies)
  63. using files with text in fortran 90 (1 replies)
  64. rlft3.f90 (3D Fast Fourier transform subroutine in Fortran) (0 replies)
  65. rounding (2 replies)
  66. numbers of rows in a file (3 replies)
  67. Readind x's and y's (3 replies)
  68. searching for a CHARACTER variable (1 replies)
  69. matrix multiplication (1 replies)
  70. compiling nrtype.f90 (3 replies)
  71. dynamic declaration of the elements of a matrix (0 replies)
  72. Write a matrix to a file. (1 replies)
  73. Data reading starting on a different row (1 replies)
  74. Increasing the memory allocation in Fortran 90 (0 replies)
  75. Re: Adaptive Stepsize Control for RK (F90 ODEINT+RKQC) (1 replies)
  76. problem with goto (1 replies)
  77. how to pass the various 'funcv' to broydn (or newt)? (0 replies)
  78. new to coding -- summing question (1 replies)
  79. Finite difference code in Fortran 90 (2 replies)
  80. 3rd edition of NR in Fortran 90 or 95? (3 replies)
  81. problem with a program (1 replies)
  82. Where is the error?! (2 replies)
  83. iostat for ESC during input (0 replies)
  84. bynary and text files reading (0 replies)
  85. Subroutine funcv (1 replies)
  86. subroutine frprmn (0 replies)
  87. NumRec in F90 is too clever? (0 replies)
  88. Big Number Factorial (0 replies)
  89. Windows XP & fortran based modeling program (0 replies)
  90. sos (0 replies)
  91. Search for solution to problem in reading Long Data (0 replies)
  92. The interface thing (1 replies)
  93. How to see memory usage??? (0 replies)
  94. strange problem with fortran (1 replies)
  95. Hollow matrices? (0 replies)
  96. least squares solution (0 replies)
  97. Segmentation Faults (newbie) (0 replies)
  98. help with code (2 replies)
  99. stack overflow when using outerprod() (0 replies)
  100. Novice (2 replies)
  101. Question (0 replies)
  102. Help: need advice on ref book on FE (0 replies)
  103. Problem (0 replies)
  104. Is there NR F90 Examples book? (3 replies)
  105. Help: declaring 2D array in f90 subroutine or function... (5 replies)
  106. func, module, and linking problem (0 replies)
  107. boundscheck with svdfit (1 replies)
  108. Eigensystems (0 replies)
  109. matrices (0 replies)
  110. Shorting Algorithms (0 replies)
  111. Poisson random number generator on IBM SP and on Sun sprac (1 replies)
  112. Help for calculating double integral (0 replies)
  113. fortran very annoying errors (2 replies)
  114. why fortran gives me wrong output? (0 replies)
  115. Out-of-bounds in array sections? (banbks) (1 replies)