Methods: Chapters 9 and 10
- Line Search function returns with check set to true (0 replies)
- SQR compiler ambiguity in powell (sequence points) (0 replies)
- MNewt blows up after about 3 iterations (1 replies)
- powell does'nt find the exact minimum... (1 replies)
- some details in VanWijngaardenDekkerBrent method (0 replies)
- Newton Method with two point boundary value problem (0 replies)
- amoeba do not change matrix p or NMAX exceed (0 replies)
- help with method 'amoeba.c' (1 replies)
- Downhill Simplex (6 replies)
- help with amoeba.c (simplex downhill) (3 replies)
- Quasi-Newton for Nonlinear System of Equations (0 replies)
- Bug in Broydn? (2 replies)
- zroots error (0 replies)
- SIGN in Brent's Line Search section 10.3 (0 replies)
- Sub FRPRMN(): Conjugate Gradient Method in Multidimensions with Constraints ?? (0 replies)
- Simulated Annealing (0 replies)
- simplex downhill problem about large output values (0 replies)
- Van Wijngaarden-Dekker-Brent Method (6 replies)
- help, problem with start parameter in Simulated annealing (0 replies)
- Healing the Annealing Method (2 replies)
- optimization algorithms requries gradient function (2 replies)
- fjac writing problem in usrfun function (1 replies)
- Roots of Poly with Complex Coeff (Laguerre Method) (1 replies)
- Question about Eq.9.7.7 (1 replies)
- frprmn usage question (1 replies)
- seg fault with simplex (4 replies)
- Newton-Raphson (3 replies)
- Problem in frprmn (1 replies)
- Amoeba with constraints ?? (2 replies)
- Problem with lnsrch and BGFS (0 replies)
- func and dfunc (0 replies)
- dfunc (2 replies)
- Line search and BFGS method (4 replies)
- multiparameter minimization! (0 replies)
- How do you use example program xqroot (2 replies)
- using xnewt repeatedly for similar equations (0 replies)
- Simulated annealing - faster convergence? (1 replies)
- Generalized gradient descent for functionals (1 replies)
- Problem with xqroot version 2.11 (1 replies)
- Simplex (NELDER Mead) (1 replies)
- conjugate gradient method on constrained interval (1 replies)
- Newton method & descent (0 replies)
- How to estimate error with steepest descent method? (0 replies)
- need help on simplex method (0 replies)
- Constrained Conjugate Gradient Method (0 replies)
- Simplex minimization of function in a limited research range? (5 replies)
- stupid question (0 replies)
- Ask for help about the initializing p and y (1 replies)
- Please!! Excuse me for being so insistent. I need help with f1dim!!! (0 replies)
- Can powell method minimize this function? (0 replies)
- Help with f1dim!!! (0 replies)
- Numerical Double Integration (2 replies)
- Please I need to know what is that X that you use in fdim (1 replies)
- how to use broydn (0 replies)
- non linear conjiugate gradient (1 replies)
- Bug notification in Powell (1 replies)
- mnbrak - imposing boundaries (0 replies)
- Little Problem with powell (0 replies)
- Simulated annealing success, and 3 questions (2 replies)
- A question on Powell termination criterion (0 replies)
- Help me! Using frprmn (conjugate gradient) (0 replies)
- Calc std. dev. in nonlinear regression (0 replies)
- Help!!! constrained minimization (0 replies)
- DFPMIN in the Basic version of NR (0 replies)
- Powell method in 64 bit AMD machine (linux) (0 replies)
- HELP!!! a programing newbie need a simple answer. (1 replies)
- find local maximum?? (0 replies)
- AMOEBA in matlab ver. and example (0 replies)
- Question about calling amoeba routine (1 replies)
- problem in newt to pass from fortran to C++ (1 replies)
- Amoeba simplex (3 replies)
- multivariate root finding??? (0 replies)
- Problem with Powell's Minimization (1 replies)
- GARCH estimation with DFPMIN (0 replies)
- about for "stpmax=STPMX*MAX(sqrt(sum),DP(n))"? (0 replies)
- Simplex methode (0 replies)
- Using NR (Newton Raphson) for complex variables (0 replies)
- Not robust Jacobian Evaluation - bug? (0 replies)
- urgent:DFP method failure (0 replies)
- Addition to Powell to avoid mnbrak crash (1 replies)
- Function call error (0 replies)
- Conjughate Gradient PROBLEM (1 replies)
- Can someone help with simplex code 10.8 on NR, please? (2 replies)
- Topic 10.7 Quasi Newton Algorithm (1 replies)
- Not able to find zrhqr(), which is in nr.h (0 replies)
- Very Urgent (1 replies)
- Problems about broyden method... (0 replies)
- Why frprmn calls linmin instead of dlinmin (1 replies)
- A question about downhill simplex method in multidimensions (1 replies)
- Trapped in mnbrak (0 replies)
- help a stupid f77 programmer (2 replies)
- distributed annealing? (0 replies)
- does amebsa work at all? (0 replies)
- Covergence problem with N-dimensional equations (0 replies)
- integral of multivariate distribution (0 replies)
- Roots of polynomial (1 replies)
- scaling variables before invoking "newt " (0 replies)
- one question about quasi-Newton (1 replies)
- central differences in fdjac (1 replies)
- One dimension stock cutter released. (0 replies)
- Help with Newton-Raphson, please. (0 replies)
- Question about Powell, discarding the direction of largest decrease (2 replies)
- Conjugate gradient method (5 replies)
- Improving Powell's method? (0 replies)
- BFGS choking on direction in N dimensions (0 replies)
- Hello every numberical gurus! (0 replies)
- Other iterative methods (0 replies)
- LM with constraints... (1 replies)
- Discrete Lagrangian Method (0 replies)
- Adjustment to a non-linear function (0 replies)
- still having troubles with func in FRPRMN (0 replies)
- passing arguments to func (0 replies)
- having trouble with broydn (0 replies)
- Bound constrained Levenberg Marquard (0 replies)
- Initialize the amoeba routine (1 replies)
- Polynomial Root Finding for Collision Detection (2 replies)
- a problem with quasi-newton method (2 replies)
- Root finding: Regula falsi (rtflsp), Ridders (4 replies)
- bug in golden search ? (2 replies)
- A small problem (0 replies)
- Root Finding (1 replies)
- finding a global minimum (2 replies)
- Downhill Simplex Algorithm, section 10.4 (2 replies)
- LM for functions of more than one variable (0 replies)
- Derivative function funcd in Newton-Raphson (1 replies)
- Simulated annealing (5 replies)
- seek for a source code in C++ to find global minimum of a non linear multidimen. fct (6 replies)
- how to find minima and maxima .... (0 replies)
- overdetermined system in NR::newt (2 replies)
- Lnsrch and Roundoff problem (1 replies)
- bug in MNBRAK? (1 replies)
- Passing pointers to class member functions in NR minimizers (1 replies)
- physical meaning of Lagrange Multiplier (2 replies)
- optimization with constraints (4 replies)
- Passing Class function to optimizer? (1 replies)
- Complex root criteria in xroots() (2 replies)
- bounded multidimensional root finding (0 replies)
- Differences in powell() code (1 replies)
- Discarding extrapolated point in powell? (5 replies)
- Simplex routine in NR in C, pp.440 (5 replies)
- Implicit Logical Expressions (2 replies)