Methods: Chapters 9 and 10

  1. Line Search function returns with check set to true (0 replies)
  2. SQR compiler ambiguity in powell (sequence points) (0 replies)
  3. MNewt blows up after about 3 iterations (1 replies)
  4. powell does'nt find the exact minimum... (1 replies)
  5. some details in VanWijngaardenDekkerBrent method (0 replies)
  6. Newton Method with two point boundary value problem (0 replies)
  7. amoeba do not change matrix p or NMAX exceed (0 replies)
  8. help with method 'amoeba.c' (1 replies)
  9. Downhill Simplex (6 replies)
  10. help with amoeba.c (simplex downhill) (3 replies)
  11. Quasi-Newton for Nonlinear System of Equations (0 replies)
  12. Bug in Broydn? (2 replies)
  13. zroots error (0 replies)
  14. SIGN in Brent's Line Search section 10.3 (0 replies)
  15. Sub FRPRMN(): Conjugate Gradient Method in Multidimensions with Constraints ?? (0 replies)
  16. Simulated Annealing (0 replies)
  17. simplex downhill problem about large output values (0 replies)
  18. Van Wijngaarden-Dekker-Brent Method (6 replies)
  19. help, problem with start parameter in Simulated annealing (0 replies)
  20. Healing the Annealing Method (2 replies)
  21. optimization algorithms requries gradient function (2 replies)
  22. fjac writing problem in usrfun function (1 replies)
  23. Roots of Poly with Complex Coeff (Laguerre Method) (1 replies)
  24. Question about Eq.9.7.7 (1 replies)
  25. frprmn usage question (1 replies)
  26. seg fault with simplex (4 replies)
  27. Newton-Raphson (3 replies)
  28. Problem in frprmn (1 replies)
  29. Amoeba with constraints ?? (2 replies)
  30. Problem with lnsrch and BGFS (0 replies)
  31. func and dfunc (0 replies)
  32. dfunc (2 replies)
  33. Line search and BFGS method (4 replies)
  34. multiparameter minimization! (0 replies)
  35. How do you use example program xqroot (2 replies)
  36. using xnewt repeatedly for similar equations (0 replies)
  37. Simulated annealing - faster convergence? (1 replies)
  38. Generalized gradient descent for functionals (1 replies)
  39. Problem with xqroot version 2.11 (1 replies)
  40. Simplex (NELDER Mead) (1 replies)
  41. conjugate gradient method on constrained interval (1 replies)
  42. Newton method & descent (0 replies)
  43. How to estimate error with steepest descent method? (0 replies)
  44. need help on simplex method (0 replies)
  45. Constrained Conjugate Gradient Method (0 replies)
  46. Simplex minimization of function in a limited research range? (5 replies)
  47. stupid question (0 replies)
  48. Ask for help about the initializing p and y (1 replies)
  49. Please!! Excuse me for being so insistent. I need help with f1dim!!! (0 replies)
  50. Can powell method minimize this function? (0 replies)
  51. Help with f1dim!!! (0 replies)
  52. Numerical Double Integration (2 replies)
  53. Please I need to know what is that X that you use in fdim (1 replies)
  54. how to use broydn (0 replies)
  55. non linear conjiugate gradient (1 replies)
  56. Bug notification in Powell (1 replies)
  57. mnbrak - imposing boundaries (0 replies)
  58. Little Problem with powell (0 replies)
  59. Simulated annealing success, and 3 questions (2 replies)
  60. A question on Powell termination criterion (0 replies)
  61. Help me! Using frprmn (conjugate gradient) (0 replies)
  62. Calc std. dev. in nonlinear regression (0 replies)
  63. Help!!! constrained minimization (0 replies)
  64. DFPMIN in the Basic version of NR (0 replies)
  65. Powell method in 64 bit AMD machine (linux) (0 replies)
  66. HELP!!! a programing newbie need a simple answer. (1 replies)
  67. find local maximum?? (0 replies)
  68. AMOEBA in matlab ver. and example (0 replies)
  69. Question about calling amoeba routine (1 replies)
  70. problem in newt to pass from fortran to C++ (1 replies)
  71. Amoeba simplex (3 replies)
  72. multivariate root finding??? (0 replies)
  73. Problem with Powell's Minimization (1 replies)
  74. GARCH estimation with DFPMIN (0 replies)
  75. about for "stpmax=STPMX*MAX(sqrt(sum),DP(n))"? (0 replies)
  76. Simplex methode (0 replies)
  77. Using NR (Newton Raphson) for complex variables (0 replies)
  78. Not robust Jacobian Evaluation - bug? (0 replies)
  79. urgent:DFP method failure (0 replies)
  80. Addition to Powell to avoid mnbrak crash (1 replies)
  81. Function call error (0 replies)
  82. Conjughate Gradient PROBLEM (1 replies)
  83. Can someone help with simplex code 10.8 on NR, please? (2 replies)
  84. Topic 10.7 Quasi Newton Algorithm (1 replies)
  85. Not able to find zrhqr(), which is in nr.h (0 replies)
  86. Very Urgent (1 replies)
  87. Problems about broyden method... (0 replies)
  88. Why frprmn calls linmin instead of dlinmin (1 replies)
  89. A question about downhill simplex method in multidimensions (1 replies)
  90. Trapped in mnbrak (0 replies)
  91. help a stupid f77 programmer (2 replies)
  92. distributed annealing? (0 replies)
  93. does amebsa work at all? (0 replies)
  94. Covergence problem with N-dimensional equations (0 replies)
  95. integral of multivariate distribution (0 replies)
  96. Roots of polynomial (1 replies)
  97. scaling variables before invoking "newt " (0 replies)
  98. one question about quasi-Newton (1 replies)
  99. central differences in fdjac (1 replies)
  100. One dimension stock cutter released. (0 replies)
  101. Help with Newton-Raphson, please. (0 replies)
  102. Question about Powell, discarding the direction of largest decrease (2 replies)
  103. Conjugate gradient method (5 replies)
  104. Improving Powell's method? (0 replies)
  105. BFGS choking on direction in N dimensions (0 replies)
  106. Hello every numberical gurus! (0 replies)
  107. Other iterative methods (0 replies)
  108. LM with constraints... (1 replies)
  109. Discrete Lagrangian Method (0 replies)
  110. Adjustment to a non-linear function (0 replies)
  111. still having troubles with func in FRPRMN (0 replies)
  112. passing arguments to func (0 replies)
  113. having trouble with broydn (0 replies)
  114. Bound constrained Levenberg Marquard (0 replies)
  115. Initialize the amoeba routine (1 replies)
  116. Polynomial Root Finding for Collision Detection (2 replies)
  117. a problem with quasi-newton method (2 replies)
  118. Root finding: Regula falsi (rtflsp), Ridders (4 replies)
  119. bug in golden search ? (2 replies)
  120. A small problem (0 replies)
  121. Root Finding (1 replies)
  122. finding a global minimum (2 replies)
  123. Downhill Simplex Algorithm, section 10.4 (2 replies)
  124. LM for functions of more than one variable (0 replies)
  125. Derivative function funcd in Newton-Raphson (1 replies)
  126. Simulated annealing (5 replies)
  127. seek for a source code in C++ to find global minimum of a non linear multidimen. fct (6 replies)
  128. how to find minima and maxima .... (0 replies)
  129. overdetermined system in NR::newt (2 replies)
  130. Lnsrch and Roundoff problem (1 replies)
  131. bug in MNBRAK? (1 replies)
  132. Passing pointers to class member functions in NR minimizers (1 replies)
  133. physical meaning of Lagrange Multiplier (2 replies)
  134. optimization with constraints (4 replies)
  135. Passing Class function to optimizer? (1 replies)
  136. Complex root criteria in xroots() (2 replies)
  137. bounded multidimensional root finding (0 replies)
  138. Differences in powell() code (1 replies)
  139. Discarding extrapolated point in powell? (5 replies)
  140. Simplex routine in NR in C, pp.440 (5 replies)
  141. Implicit Logical Expressions (2 replies)