- Checking a vector for duplicate values (4 replies)
- pow() with a negative base (12 replies)
- Matrices Without Eigenvalues? (2 replies)
- Command window closing after calculation with FORTRAN (1 replies)
- filling 2D array with the help of 1D array (1 replies)
- Extracting data from a map to a vector (5 replies)
- DEALLOCATE a F95 array with SAVE attribute (1 replies)
- fastest way of implementing loops (4 replies)
- New to NR (0 replies)
- Using gets() with printf() (2 replies)
- Built in function rand() and srand() (2 replies)
- C++ Console Application with Access Database Data (2 replies)
- Uses of Eigenvalues (1 replies)
- How to open a .pdf file from a win32 console application (4 replies)
- Deleting 1D Array Contents (4 replies)
- Proper use of a templated function (3 replies)
- NBS/NRC Steam Table FORTRAN Program (19 replies)
- C# with C++ functions (1 replies)
- Using SVD in Estimation problem (0 replies)
- PostScript By Example (2 replies)
- Firefox Problem (0 replies)
- Scientific Computing and Mac OS X (1 replies)
- software for functional generalized linear model (0 replies)
- OCTAVE on a Windows XP platform (1 replies)
- Can u pls help me with C program (0 replies)
- How To Analyze This (Cryptography Random?) Permutation...? (0 replies)
- Request Code (0 replies)
- Help wanted with Open Source Project (0 replies)
- Another Victim of Chi-by-Eye (0 replies)
- Different values from a simple convergence loop between VBA and Fortran 77 (4 replies)
- Copy and Mark with a right click (1 replies)
- Output to the screen with a struct (4 replies)
- Complex Roots with Newton’s Method? (1 replies)
- Efficient routine for fitting f(x) = a0 + a1*x + a2*x*sin(a3*x + a4) to data... (0 replies)
- Alternating series (0 replies)
- Introduction (0 replies)
- Numerical Integration and Energy Loss (2 replies)
- Simplex/Complex (0 replies)
- Robustly Handling Machine Error (0 replies)
- numerical integration (5 replies)
- Where is the error? (1 replies)
- Large matrix inversion (1 replies)
- Using an external executable (0 replies)
- Re: Calculate polynomial coefficients (0 replies)
- Precision of Fortran Variables (1 replies)
- Linear Algebra and Matrix Calculation (1 replies)
- integral equations (0 replies)
- Simplex question (theory) (0 replies)
- dynamically allocate 4D array (1 replies)
- Structure function program (1 replies)
- L-BFGS algorithm (0 replies)
- for help? (0 replies)
- Zagier's polynomials (0 replies)
- steepest descent (5 replies)
- large matrix calculation (3 replies)
- Plotting of Circle and Ellipse (0 replies)
- Matrix Comparisons: how can i QUANTIFY ERROR ? (0 replies)
- Problem : window for repartition of data (0 replies)
- Determine Rank of Growing Matrix (0 replies)
- Calculate Major/Minor Axis of Irregular Geometries (0 replies)
- f3tensor.. (2 replies)
- sensitivity calculation via svd (0 replies)
- pseudo inverse matrix calculation (1 replies)
- g95, a free Fortran 95 compiler (0 replies)
- Help with rules to reduce numerical round off error (1 replies)
- Computer Value (1 replies)
- How to calculate the Factorial of Numbers > 170 (6 replies)
- System of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables: solving algebraically. (1 replies)
- Polynomial approxiamation (2 replies)
- first posting ...be gentle (1 replies)
- how is log(x) calculated? (3 replies)
- TestPoint C++ time conversion (0 replies)
- Finite Volumes + Collision (0 replies)
- how do I allocate a big array? (1 replies)
- minimization problem (0 replies)
- dynamic allocation with derived type (0 replies)
- NR subroutines in Mac format ? (3 replies)
- Mac OS X (2 replies)
- Levenberg-Marquardt: funcs (1 replies)
- Segmentatino fault for ludcmp (0 replies)
- Compiler Questions. (2 replies)
- Help for SBC? (0 replies)
- Double Precision (2 replies)
- Is Fortran 90 compatible with Windows XP? (1 replies)
- F1001 (2 replies)
- Dynamic Array Allocator Package (0 replies)