Methods: All Chapters in NR3
- Scaling in newt() (2 replies)
- 15.8.3 - MCMC: A worked example - Data set (2 replies)
- destructor of base class in interp_1d.cpp (3 replies)
- Apparent error in struct Amoeba code (2 replies)
- warnings when invoking zbrent(root.h) (3 replies)
- Modulo does not always work (0 replies)
- Improved basic generator (Ranq1) (0 replies)
- Error in text of section 10.8 (1 replies)
- Logarithmic binning (0 replies)
- Akaike information criterion (1 replies)
- Chapter 16: Bug in HMM forwardbackward? (0 replies)
- Linear Prediction with cross-correlation (0 replies)
- Miller Tower Height (cross-posted) (0 replies)
- Chapter 7 of NR3, ranq1 error??? (1 replies)
- Chap 9: Root finding with newt, Nonlinear Eqns (0 replies)
- Nonlinear Set of equations (0 replies)
- Possible typo in 17.3.8? (2 replies)
- Bicubic interpolation of all 2nd derivatives (1 replies)
- using Sobol' sequence in mcintegrate.h (0 replies)
- 9.7.1 linesearch and 9.7.2 Newton (0 replies)
- Chapter 9 lnsrch driver (0 replies)
- Need Help calculating Intersection of 2 Lines (2 replies)
- Cubic Splines (1 replies)
- Modified dense output in odeint.h Output structure (0 replies)
- alam = nan in lnsrch (0 replies)
- Interpolation, ODEs and integration (0 replies)
- Using a Functor with Quadrature.h (2 replies)
- Error in text? Eq. (20.1.37), Lax-Wendroff Method, 3rd edition. (1 replies)
- Using a functor with qtrap (0 replies)
- Chapter 21 - KD Tree (4 replies)
- 9.7.2 Bug in Newton Method? (5 replies)
- pivoting in ludcmp (0 replies)
- roots_multidim.h (0 replies)
- 14.3 Chi-Square test on circular data (2 replies)
- Chapter 9, Brent's method (0 replies)
- Chapter 10 amoeba.h (1 replies)
- Chap12: Fourier and FFT examples, davekw7x (3 replies)
- Chapter 10: Bounded Simulated Annealing, Integer and Bool variables (1 replies)
- Fitmrq - I cannot get it to work (0 replies)
- KS-Test - what values should go into kstwo() ? (8 replies)
- Chapter 20 Mglin (1 replies)
- fourier inverse of complex matrix (2 replies)
- Training the HMM (0 replies)
- Multiple states per time in HMM? (0 replies)
- Dense Output, Chapter 17, ODE, specific y at x (3 replies)
- KS test help (3 replies)
- Golden Section Search (2 replies)
- Tower Height for Miller's Algorithm (0 replies)
- Chapter 13: FFT deconvolution in 2d...? (0 replies)
- Chapter 10: minimisation.... choosing suitable values for tolerance, step size etc (0 replies)
- Error in text, section 7.1 (random numbers) (5 replies)
- Chapter 15.6: Confidence limits question (1 replies)
- Ran() function Chapter 7 (0 replies)
- N-body with parallelization using ODE (0 replies)
- Chapter 11 eigen_unsymm.h (10 replies)
- A general problem with fitmrq and/or any fitting method in NR3 (0 replies)
- Chapter 22 PSplot - Logarithmic Scales (0 replies)
- Quadratic Formula: Problem with equation 5.6.4 (0 replies)
- Chapter 13 Fourier Integral Question (1 replies)
- use of qromb() (4 replies)
- Signal denoising (0 replies)
- indexing in rlft3.c (1 replies)
- MATLAB equivalant of cubic spline (8 replies)
- Chap 7: MC Integration and function arguments (1 replies)
- Chapter 6 - incgammabeta.h : binomialdist:: cdf (bug?) (4 replies)
- distributing m points over a n-dimension hypercube (0 replies)
- QR for least squares (2 replies)
- Chapter 19 Fredholm Equations (3 replies)
- N-variable function maximisation (0 replies)
- gammln() in Poissondev is undefined (1 replies)
- 16.3.1 Hidden Markov Models (2 replies)
- 6.14.12 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distribution (1 replies)
- Chapter 13.6: Linear Prediction (0 replies)
- Goodness of fit meaning in 15.2 - repost (1 replies)
- Gaussian Mixture Model (0 replies)
- Chapter 3, kriging with nonisotropic data (1 replies)
- Chapter 7 Monte Carlo Integration Question (11 replies)
- chapter 25 - general linear least squares (12 replies)
- SVD of a matrix with very high numbers (0 replies)
- Chapter 7 Monte Carlo integration to obtain radiation view factors (0 replies)
- nr3.h vs nr.h (0 replies)
- Chap 7: sec 7.7: Monte Carlo integration (5 replies)
- WLS using SVD (0 replies)
- Chapter 2 QR Decomposition (2 replies)
- Chapter 11 Hermitian Matrix Question (1 replies)
- Irregular Bessel Functions with Miller-Type Algorithm (1 replies)
- Bcgsm (0 replies)
- Numerical Integration of Blackbody Radiation Function (2 replies)
- chap 10 Simulating Annealing, constrained / unconstrained variables (0 replies)
- chap 10 Simulating Annealing, amebsa.h (0 replies)
- Ch.4 Quad3d.h -> Quad2d.h (5 replies)
- Chapter 6 incgammabeta (2 replies)
- Chapter 7.1 ran.h (2 replies)
- Using MNEWT (1 replies)
- chapter 3: cubic spline interpolation (2 replies)
- Chapter 3 interp_2d.h (2 replies)
- Chapter 19 fred_singular.h (2 replies)
- Ch.19: Volterra (12 replies)
- Chap 9: Root finding (6 replies)
- Chapter 21 Computational Geometry (2 replies)
- Chapter 6 factrl.h (1 replies)
- 22.7 Arithmetic at Arbitrary Precision (0 replies)
- Chapter 7 Binomial Deviates (2 replies)
- Chapter 7 ran.h (2 replies)
- Binomialdev Bug? (8 replies)
- Chapter 15 fitab.h Results Interpretation (2 replies)
- Chap.15: Levenberg-Marquardt (4 replies)
- Chap.10: Powell minimization (9 replies)
- How to use ksone to test with Expondist? (1 replies)
- PSPlot function creation (3 replies)
- Powell minimization (4 replies)
- Quadrature with data table for input (3 replies)
- hat matrix / hat values (1 replies)
- Using VecInt (9 replies)
- Question regarding K-S (two) tests of samples of the same size (1 replies)
- Nelder-Mead Simplex (0 replies)
- Ch 11 - Jacobi Struct Question (3 replies)
- Example given in 17.7 Results Verification (2 replies)
- StepperRoss Example Problem (2 replies)
- Odeint - Example problem using Van der Pol's Equation (8 replies)
- StepperSie can't be used twice (3 replies)
- PSPlot works on Windows Vista (7 replies)
- Kuiper Asymptotic Distribution (6 replies)
- Modification for the quicksort Algorithm (3 replies)
- PSPlot (23 replies)
- Bessjy not part of a class or namespace (8 replies)
- Linear_interp (2 replies)
- Sphcirc.h: troubled C++ newbie seeks next step help (2 replies)
- Non-Linear Constrained Minimization (1 replies)
- problem with 2D FFT (1 replies)
- Using Quadrature.h (12 replies)
- 2.4 tridag (1 replies)
- Chapter 7: Random Numbers (14 replies)
- Tending towards FourthEdiotion::NR (7 replies)
- 2.4.2 Band-diagonal systems (3 replies)
- Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature (1 replies)
- smoothing spline with additional constraint (0 replies)
- 16.5 SVM Predict (2 replies)
- Random number generators (15 replies)
- Chap 11: tred2, tqli (0 replies)
- TemplateFunctions-How to initiate. (8 replies)
- voronoi.h: missing edges? (0 replies)
- Tred2, tqli (5 replies)
- 18.2 Shooting to a fitting point (0 replies)
- reference A. J. Glassman (0 replies)
- Very basic question on Ch. 9 (2 replies)
- Bessel functions with real order and complex argument (1 replies)
- besselfrac.h can return values that haven't been calculated (1 replies)
- Example for 16.1 Gaussian Mixture Models and k-Means clustering? (0 replies)
- Difference between Integration of Diiferential And Partial Differential (0 replies)
- Error estimate in dftint (Ch. 13) and functors in qromb (Ch. 4) (6 replies)
- Fitsvd (Ch.15) (1 replies)
- NR:Forwardal Of Suggestion-newChapter (11 replies)
- Chap15: Modeling of Data (23 replies)
- Bracketing Method-Chapter(9) (2 replies)
- Section 16.2.1 (2 replies)
- Optimization (3 replies)
- simplex phase2 (1 replies)
- Delaunay Triangulation references (1 replies)
- problem Question on " 4.8 Multidimensional integrals" (4 replies)
- Problem with Poissiondist.invcdf(Doub p) (2 replies)
- Needs help getting Simplex to work (2 replies)
- Bug in rtsafe roots.h Chap. 9.4 (2 replies)
- jumping ahead in sequence of random numbers (2 replies)
- Diffusion equation with non-constant diffusion coefficient (1 replies)
- Issue with using amoeba... (4 replies)
- NR forum for the Methods Usage-suggestion (0 replies)
- Fitting complex function... (3 replies)
- 17.3.4 Bulirsch-Stoer with dense output (4 replies)
- 17.3.1: Question on "Modified Midpoint Method" (1 replies)
- Chapter 15, Levenberg Marquardt non linear fitting and templating (2 replies)
- steppersie.h matrix index out of bounds (0 replies)
- Solving implicit systems of ODE's (0 replies)
- Problem with Powell's directional set minimization (2 replies)
- Powell minimization (2 replies)
- Using functors for quadrature abscissa/weight determination (4 replies)
- Envelope detector by software (0 replies)
- Butterworth filter using real coefficients (2 replies)
- Interpolation: inverse of an ordinate (2 replies)
- [Chapter 17] Long integrations (0 replies)
- How can I improve result's precision with gaussj subroutine? (4 replies)
- Random deviates in a loop (7 replies)
- License ? (1 replies)
- Problem with Bandec, Sec. 2.4.2 (7 replies)
- SVD example driver program (11 replies)
- push_back MatDoub (1 replies)
- Help with use of functors in Minimization (4 replies)
- Find size of MatDoub (2 replies)
- Advice needed on minimization problem (1 replies)
- Faster sine and cosine integrals, 6.8.2 (2 replies)
- Complex abs function, Eq.(5.5.4) (0 replies)
- Problems with ran.h (0 replies)
- Compiler complains about Vegas routine (1 replies)
- Kriging interpolation with duplicate inputs (0 replies)
- How to Generate a Power Law Distribution. (2 replies)
- Multi-taper eigenvectors dont match expression (0 replies)
- 2.9 Cholesky (1 replies)
- Problem with lnsrch and BGFS (0 replies)
- Quadratic Programming Routine in Third Edition? (1 replies)
- Eigenvectors Routine in Third Edition? (1 replies)
- 20.6: Using full multigrid algorithm to solve Poisson equation (3 replies)
- function class construction (1 replies)
- HELP! SVD problems! Its Christmas! 'Tis the time to be helpful!! (0 replies)
- SVD solve for non square matrix (1 replies)
- The codes about interp_curve.h in NR3 is not right (0 replies)
- IDE in NR3 (2 replies)
- Problems with gradient convergence criteria for dfpmin() (10.9) (2 replies)
- Bug in Toepltz??? (4 replies)
- Can't Find Eigen-values (3 replies)
- Winograd FFT in C++ or Java (4 replies)