Methods: All Chapters in NR3

  1. Scaling in newt() (2 replies)
  2. 15.8.3 - MCMC: A worked example - Data set (2 replies)
  3. destructor of base class in interp_1d.cpp (3 replies)
  4. Apparent error in struct Amoeba code (2 replies)
  5. warnings when invoking zbrent(root.h) (3 replies)
  6. Modulo does not always work (0 replies)
  7. Improved basic generator (Ranq1) (0 replies)
  8. Error in text of section 10.8 (1 replies)
  9. Logarithmic binning (0 replies)
  10. Akaike information criterion (1 replies)
  11. Chapter 16: Bug in HMM forwardbackward? (0 replies)
  12. Linear Prediction with cross-correlation (0 replies)
  13. Miller Tower Height (cross-posted) (0 replies)
  14. Chapter 7 of NR3, ranq1 error??? (1 replies)
  15. Chap 9: Root finding with newt, Nonlinear Eqns (0 replies)
  16. Nonlinear Set of equations (0 replies)
  17. Possible typo in 17.3.8? (2 replies)
  18. Bicubic interpolation of all 2nd derivatives (1 replies)
  19. using Sobol' sequence in mcintegrate.h (0 replies)
  20. 9.7.1 linesearch and 9.7.2 Newton (0 replies)
  21. Chapter 9 lnsrch driver (0 replies)
  22. Need Help calculating Intersection of 2 Lines (2 replies)
  23. Cubic Splines (1 replies)
  24. Modified dense output in odeint.h Output structure (0 replies)
  25. alam = nan in lnsrch (0 replies)
  26. Interpolation, ODEs and integration (0 replies)
  27. Using a Functor with Quadrature.h (2 replies)
  28. Error in text? Eq. (20.1.37), Lax-Wendroff Method, 3rd edition. (1 replies)
  29. Using a functor with qtrap (0 replies)
  30. Chapter 21 - KD Tree (4 replies)
  31. 9.7.2 Bug in Newton Method? (5 replies)
  32. pivoting in ludcmp (0 replies)
  33. roots_multidim.h (0 replies)
  34. 14.3 Chi-Square test on circular data (2 replies)
  35. Chapter 9, Brent's method (0 replies)
  36. Chapter 10 amoeba.h (1 replies)
  37. Chap12: Fourier and FFT examples, davekw7x (3 replies)
  38. Chapter 10: Bounded Simulated Annealing, Integer and Bool variables (1 replies)
  39. Fitmrq - I cannot get it to work (0 replies)
  40. KS-Test - what values should go into kstwo() ? (8 replies)
  41. Chapter 20 Mglin (1 replies)
  42. fourier inverse of complex matrix (2 replies)
  43. Training the HMM (0 replies)
  44. Multiple states per time in HMM? (0 replies)
  45. Dense Output, Chapter 17, ODE, specific y at x (3 replies)
  46. KS test help (3 replies)
  47. Golden Section Search (2 replies)
  48. Tower Height for Miller's Algorithm (0 replies)
  49. Chapter 13: FFT deconvolution in 2d...? (0 replies)
  50. Chapter 10: minimisation.... choosing suitable values for tolerance, step size etc (0 replies)
  51. Error in text, section 7.1 (random numbers) (5 replies)
  52. Chapter 15.6: Confidence limits question (1 replies)
  53. Ran() function Chapter 7 (0 replies)
  54. N-body with parallelization using ODE (0 replies)
  55. Chapter 11 eigen_unsymm.h (10 replies)
  56. A general problem with fitmrq and/or any fitting method in NR3 (0 replies)
  57. Chapter 22 PSplot - Logarithmic Scales (0 replies)
  58. Quadratic Formula: Problem with equation 5.6.4 (0 replies)
  59. Chapter 13 Fourier Integral Question (1 replies)
  60. use of qromb() (4 replies)
  61. Signal denoising (0 replies)
  62. indexing in rlft3.c (1 replies)
  63. MATLAB equivalant of cubic spline (8 replies)
  64. Chap 7: MC Integration and function arguments (1 replies)
  65. Chapter 6 - incgammabeta.h : binomialdist:: cdf (bug?) (4 replies)
  66. distributing m points over a n-dimension hypercube (0 replies)
  67. QR for least squares (2 replies)
  68. Chapter 19 Fredholm Equations (3 replies)
  69. N-variable function maximisation (0 replies)
  70. gammln() in Poissondev is undefined (1 replies)
  71. 16.3.1 Hidden Markov Models (2 replies)
  72. 6.14.12 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distribution (1 replies)
  73. Chapter 13.6: Linear Prediction (0 replies)
  74. Goodness of fit meaning in 15.2 - repost (1 replies)
  75. Gaussian Mixture Model (0 replies)
  76. Chapter 3, kriging with nonisotropic data (1 replies)
  77. Chapter 7 Monte Carlo Integration Question (11 replies)
  78. chapter 25 - general linear least squares (12 replies)
  79. SVD of a matrix with very high numbers (0 replies)
  80. Chapter 7 Monte Carlo integration to obtain radiation view factors (0 replies)
  81. nr3.h vs nr.h (0 replies)
  82. Chap 7: sec 7.7: Monte Carlo integration (5 replies)
  83. WLS using SVD (0 replies)
  84. Chapter 2 QR Decomposition (2 replies)
  85. Chapter 11 Hermitian Matrix Question (1 replies)
  86. Irregular Bessel Functions with Miller-Type Algorithm (1 replies)
  87. Bcgsm (0 replies)
  88. Numerical Integration of Blackbody Radiation Function (2 replies)
  89. chap 10 Simulating Annealing, constrained / unconstrained variables (0 replies)
  90. chap 10 Simulating Annealing, amebsa.h (0 replies)
  91. Ch.4 Quad3d.h -> Quad2d.h (5 replies)
  92. Chapter 6 incgammabeta (2 replies)
  93. Chapter 7.1 ran.h (2 replies)
  94. Using MNEWT (1 replies)
  95. chapter 3: cubic spline interpolation (2 replies)
  96. Chapter 3 interp_2d.h (2 replies)
  97. Chapter 19 fred_singular.h (2 replies)
  98. Ch.19: Volterra (12 replies)
  99. Chap 9: Root finding (6 replies)
  100. Chapter 21 Computational Geometry (2 replies)
  101. Chapter 6 factrl.h (1 replies)
  102. 22.7 Arithmetic at Arbitrary Precision (0 replies)
  103. Chapter 7 Binomial Deviates (2 replies)
  104. Chapter 7 ran.h (2 replies)
  105. Binomialdev Bug? (8 replies)
  106. Chapter 15 fitab.h Results Interpretation (2 replies)
  107. Chap.15: Levenberg-Marquardt (4 replies)
  108. Chap.10: Powell minimization (9 replies)
  109. How to use ksone to test with Expondist? (1 replies)
  110. PSPlot function creation (3 replies)
  111. Powell minimization (4 replies)
  112. Quadrature with data table for input (3 replies)
  113. hat matrix / hat values (1 replies)
  114. Using VecInt (9 replies)
  115. Question regarding K-S (two) tests of samples of the same size (1 replies)
  116. Nelder-Mead Simplex (0 replies)
  117. Ch 11 - Jacobi Struct Question (3 replies)
  118. Example given in 17.7 Results Verification (2 replies)
  119. StepperRoss Example Problem (2 replies)
  120. Odeint - Example problem using Van der Pol's Equation (8 replies)
  121. StepperSie can't be used twice (3 replies)
  122. PSPlot works on Windows Vista (7 replies)
  123. Kuiper Asymptotic Distribution (6 replies)
  124. Modification for the quicksort Algorithm (3 replies)
  125. PSPlot (23 replies)
  126. Bessjy not part of a class or namespace (8 replies)
  127. Linear_interp (2 replies)
  128. Sphcirc.h: troubled C++ newbie seeks next step help (2 replies)
  129. Non-Linear Constrained Minimization (1 replies)
  130. problem with 2D FFT (1 replies)
  131. Using Quadrature.h (12 replies)
  132. 2.4 tridag (1 replies)
  133. Chapter 7: Random Numbers (14 replies)
  134. Tending towards FourthEdiotion::NR (7 replies)
  135. 2.4.2 Band-diagonal systems (3 replies)
  136. Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature (1 replies)
  137. smoothing spline with additional constraint (0 replies)
  138. 16.5 SVM Predict (2 replies)
  139. Random number generators (15 replies)
  140. Chap 11: tred2, tqli (0 replies)
  141. TemplateFunctions-How to initiate. (8 replies)
  142. voronoi.h: missing edges? (0 replies)
  143. Tred2, tqli (5 replies)
  144. 18.2 Shooting to a fitting point (0 replies)
  145. reference A. J. Glassman (0 replies)
  146. Very basic question on Ch. 9 (2 replies)
  147. Bessel functions with real order and complex argument (1 replies)
  148. besselfrac.h can return values that haven't been calculated (1 replies)
  149. Example for 16.1 Gaussian Mixture Models and k-Means clustering? (0 replies)
  150. Difference between Integration of Diiferential And Partial Differential (0 replies)
  151. Error estimate in dftint (Ch. 13) and functors in qromb (Ch. 4) (6 replies)
  152. Fitsvd (Ch.15) (1 replies)
  153. NR:Forwardal Of Suggestion-newChapter (11 replies)
  154. Chap15: Modeling of Data (23 replies)
  155. Bracketing Method-Chapter(9) (2 replies)
  156. Section 16.2.1 (2 replies)
  157. Optimization (3 replies)
  158. simplex phase2 (1 replies)
  159. Delaunay Triangulation references (1 replies)
  160. problem Question on " 4.8 Multidimensional integrals" (4 replies)
  161. Problem with Poissiondist.invcdf(Doub p) (2 replies)
  162. Needs help getting Simplex to work (2 replies)
  163. Bug in rtsafe roots.h Chap. 9.4 (2 replies)
  164. jumping ahead in sequence of random numbers (2 replies)
  165. Diffusion equation with non-constant diffusion coefficient (1 replies)
  166. Issue with using amoeba... (4 replies)
  167. NR forum for the Methods Usage-suggestion (0 replies)
  168. Fitting complex function... (3 replies)
  169. 17.3.4 Bulirsch-Stoer with dense output (4 replies)
  170. 17.3.1: Question on "Modified Midpoint Method" (1 replies)
  171. Chapter 15, Levenberg Marquardt non linear fitting and templating (2 replies)
  172. steppersie.h matrix index out of bounds (0 replies)
  173. Solving implicit systems of ODE's (0 replies)
  174. Problem with Powell's directional set minimization (2 replies)
  175. Powell minimization (2 replies)
  176. Using functors for quadrature abscissa/weight determination (4 replies)
  177. Envelope detector by software (0 replies)
  178. Butterworth filter using real coefficients (2 replies)
  179. Interpolation: inverse of an ordinate (2 replies)
  180. [Chapter 17] Long integrations (0 replies)
  181. How can I improve result's precision with gaussj subroutine? (4 replies)
  182. Random deviates in a loop (7 replies)
  183. License ? (1 replies)
  184. Problem with Bandec, Sec. 2.4.2 (7 replies)
  185. SVD example driver program (11 replies)
  186. push_back MatDoub (1 replies)
  187. Help with use of functors in Minimization (4 replies)
  188. Find size of MatDoub (2 replies)
  189. Advice needed on minimization problem (1 replies)
  190. Faster sine and cosine integrals, 6.8.2 (2 replies)
  191. Complex abs function, Eq.(5.5.4) (0 replies)
  192. Problems with ran.h (0 replies)
  193. Compiler complains about Vegas routine (1 replies)
  194. Kriging interpolation with duplicate inputs (0 replies)
  195. How to Generate a Power Law Distribution. (2 replies)
  196. Multi-taper eigenvectors dont match expression (0 replies)
  197. 2.9 Cholesky (1 replies)
  198. Problem with lnsrch and BGFS (0 replies)
  199. Quadratic Programming Routine in Third Edition? (1 replies)
  200. Eigenvectors Routine in Third Edition? (1 replies)
  201. 20.6: Using full multigrid algorithm to solve Poisson equation (3 replies)
  202. function class construction (1 replies)
  203. HELP! SVD problems! Its Christmas! 'Tis the time to be helpful!! (0 replies)
  204. SVD solve for non square matrix (1 replies)
  205. The codes about interp_curve.h in NR3 is not right (0 replies)
  206. IDE in NR3 (2 replies)
  207. Problems with gradient convergence criteria for dfpmin() (10.9) (2 replies)
  208. Bug in Toepltz??? (4 replies)
  209. Can't Find Eigen-values (3 replies)
  210. Winograd FFT in C++ or Java (4 replies)