- Linear fit of independent variables (0 replies)
- Converting mxArray to MatInt (0 replies)
- NR+Mathematica (0 replies)
- Real-time plot error on Matlab. HELP!! (2 replies)
- Howto resize arrays without loosing data (2 replies)
- Howto 4-D (or more) arrays??? (7 replies)
- Help calling functions from matlab command line (3 replies)
- Problem downloading the nr3matlab.h file (2 replies)
- Simple PLL question (0 replies)
- MatLab Reference Book (4 replies)
- C++ 6.0 Compilier (0 replies)
- sort repeating numbers (0 replies)
- alternate for feval (1 replies)
- more speed! (2 replies)
- Please help with 3D matrix! (3 replies)
- A mexfunctionto implement numerical integration (0 replies)
- calling matlab m-file from mex (1 replies)
- reshaping matlab matrices for NR3 (1 replies)
- wrapper for the simplex fitter amoeba (2 replies)
- Bug in nr3matlab.h (3 replies)
- Most basic problem of all, Hello world (4 replies)
- Help needed (0 replies)
- random numbers in MATLAB, is a good generator? (1 replies)
- Tutorial on using NR3 code from within MATLAB (4 replies)