By purchasing this disk or code download, you acquire a Numerical Recipes Personal Single-User License. This license lets you personally use Numerical Recipes code ("the code") on any number of computers, but only one computer at a time. You are not permitted to allow anyone else to access or use the code. You may, under this license, transfer precompiled, executable applications incorporating the code to other, unlicensed, persons, providing that (i) the application is noncommercial (e.g., does not involve the selling or licensing of the application for a fee or its use in developing commercial products or services), and (ii) the application was first developed, compiled, and successfully run by you, and (iii) the code is bound into the application in such a manner that it cannot be accessed as individual routines and cannot practicably be unbound and used in other programs. That is, under this license, your application user must not be able to see the Numerical Recipes source code or to use Numerical Recipes code as part of a program library or "mix and match" workbench.
Under this license you may privately develop applications for later commercial use. However, such applications may only be transferred to, used by, modified by, sold by, or otherwise distributed by a person or entity holding a valid Numerical Recipes Institutional Subscriber License (see right column) and only during the term of that license.